Java vs C++
S No. | Parameters | C++ | Java |
1. | Platform Dependency | C++ is platform dependent language. | Java is platform independent language. |
2. | Platform Philosophy | Write once, compile anywhere (WOCA). | Write once, run anywhere / everywhere (WORA / WORE). |
3. | Developer | Bjarne Stroustrup , 1980 | James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank & Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems, in 1991. |
4. | Original Name | Originally named as "C with Classes" by Bjarne Stroustrup, renamed to "C++" (indicating an increment to C) which is proposed by Rrick Mascitti in 1983. | Originally named as "Oak" by James Gosling, renamed to "Java" 1995. |
5. | Evolution | C++ is a superset of C. C++ is evolved from C & simula67. | Java is neither a superset nor a subset of C & C++. It takes some features from C & C++ and also includes some new features too. |
6. | Language level | C++ is a middle-level language. | Java is a high-level language. |
7. | Extensions | C++ files have extension .cpp | Java files have extension .java |
8. | Program Creation | In C++ we can write a program without a class | In Java, there must be at least one class present |
9. | Program Compilation | C++ programs can be compiled with variety of compilers. | Java programs can be compiled using an unique compiler. |
10. | Source-Code Conversion | Source code is converted directly into machine code(executable code) by compiler. | Source code is converted into byte code by compiler , then byte code is converted into machine code by java interpreter. |
11. | Proximity to hardware | C++ is more nearer to hardware than java. | Does not have close interaction with the hardware. |
12. | Security | C++ provides data security to an extent. | Java is more secure than C++. |
13. | Robust | C++ is less robust as compared with Java | Java is a more robust as compared with C++ |
14. | Support for comment documentation | C++ does not have built-in support for comment documentation. | Java has built-in support for comment documentation |
15. | Built-In Internet Support | C++ does not have built-in support for Internet. | Java have built-in support for Internet. |
16. | Multi-Threading | C++ does not support multi-threaded programming | Java support multi-threaded programming |
17. | Embedding with scripting language | Cannot be embedded in any scripting language. | Can be embedded within a scripting language by means of applet programming. |
18. | Native System Libraries Handling | Allows direct calls to native system libraries. | Call through the Java Native Interface and Java Native Access |
19. | Database Handling | Very complex in C++ | Quite easier than C++ |
20. | Memory Management | Manual | Managed, using an automatic garbage collector |
21. | Automatic Coercions | Yes, with warnings if loss could occur | Not at all if loss could occur, must cast explicitly |
22. | Sizes of primitive data types | Varied according to the machine. | Primitive data types have fix size that are machine independent. |
23. | Test Expression Outcome(return value) | Test expressions for control flow constructs return an integer value (1/0) in C++. | Test expressions for control flow constructs return a Boolean value (true/false) in Java. |
24. | Keywords | There are 63 Keywords in C++ | There are 50 Keywords in java. |
25. | Array Bounds Checking | An array in C++ is not bounds checked | An array in Java is bounds checked |
26. | Namespace | Supported in C++ | Java uses packages in place of namespaces. |
27. | Call by Address | Supported in C++ | Does not supported, java support call by value only |
28. | Inline Function | Supported in C++ | Does not supported explicitly, java compiler may decide on its own to inline a method, but we don't have much control over this. |
29. | Virtual keyword | Supported in C++ | There's no virtual keyword in Java because all non-static methods always use dynamic binding. |
30. | Exception handling | Supported in C++ | Java support Exception handling but it is different from C++ because there are no destructors. A finally clause can be added to force execution of statements that perform necessary cleanup. |
31. | Multi-Dimensional Array | Supported in C++ | Does not supported in java, but it is possible to create arrays of arrays to represent multi-dimensional arrays. |
32. | Goto Statement | Supported in C++ | Does not support goto statement |
33. | Scope Resolution Operator | Supported in C++ | Does not supported in java |
34. | Destructors | Supported in C++ | Does not supported in java |